PostHeaderIcon Welcome to Rey and Tess Rodrigo Spiritual Ministry

June 20th, 2011

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Rey and Tess Spiritual Ministry Inc., is here to strengthen the faith and improve the moral values of the faithful. Our ministry is registered as a non-profit corporation with a tax exempt status as a religious organization and public charity. We do our missionary work for 4-6 months a year traveling from the United States all the way to the Philippines. We started the ministry back in 2005 where we only lectured to the adults of the parishes in our hometowns. They are located in Pozorrubio and San Nicolas, Pangasinan. In 2006 we expanded, and started lecturing in different locations such as Binalonan, Pangasinan and Urdaneta, Pangasinan. By 2007 until present, we are finally including the high school students in our missionary work. We invite you to look closely on the activities from 2005 until present day, 2011 in our photo galleries.

Our 2011 mission was the biggest of them. It was located mainly in the Diocese of Urdaneta. It included 26 parishes for the high school students, 8 towns for the adults, and 2 prisons for the prisoners. We lectured to approximately 3,200 people in total.

Each participant attending our lecture receives the book, Understanding the Christian Faith. For the adults and prisoners, bibles are also provided. Due to limited funds, the high school students are unable to receive bibles. Snacks in the morning and afternoon are also provided, as well as lunch served to all participants.

After completion of a full day of Christian faith seminar, the high school students who are unconfirmed are qualified to recieve the Sacrament of Confirmation. For the adults, a day of recollection on their faith as well as bible orientation. For the prisoners, Christian faith recollection is conducted for a half day due to limited time. Inspired with the good news of the Lord, He says that, (Mt. 7:21) "No matter what kind of sin you have commited, as long as you are fully contrite and sincere, you can repent your sins, reform your life, follow the will and commandents of God and your sins may be forgiven."

We are redeemed by our Lord Jesus Christ by His death and resurrection. (Phil 2:12) He opens the gate of Heaven for all of us. We should work out our salvation with fear and trembling (James 2:14-17) through faith and public charitable work.

Please, we are appealing to each one of you, for your generous financial support. Any donation is tax deductible. As the scripture says, (Mt:25:40) "If you did to any of my least fortunate brothers and sisters, you did for me."


May our Almighty God bless you and your family.


Love and prayers in Christ,
Rey and Tess Rodrigo
3642 W. Glenroy Ave. Anaheim, CA 92804-4617
(714) 821-5447


Last Updated (Monday, 18 June 2018 05:00)